Open. One word that means so much. It’s that one word that sums up all of the hard work, planning, and challenges. Everything that you’ve been through to get your business to where it is today. And you’ve come a long way. And now? You’re open.

To your staff, open means the day has begun. Sales are afoot, cash is changing hands, and paychecks are being earned. To your potential customers, open means a clear entryway. An unlocked door and an inviting space. The chance to step inside and purchase that special good or service that they can’t find anywhere else.

Here at Kings of Neon, we know the power of open. It wasn’t too long ago—back in 2019—that we opened up our own (virtual) doors for the first time, And now we’re here for you, as you open your own doors. Kings of Neon is led by a small and motivated team. That’s why we love working with other small and medium-sized businesses. You’ve got the right stuff, and we’ve got the right signs to light up your storefront. So, whether you’re already doing business or if that big first day is just around the corner, it’s time to find the perfect neon sign to let the world know: we’re open.

Choosing the Right Neon Open Sign

red neon open sign; LED open sign and other neon signs or wall signs for a store

A good neon sign is both durable and lightweight. You also want a sign that’s easy to use, without any difficult or confusing installation steps. Most importantly, your sign should catch the eye of a passerby. It should be both stylish and professional, and it should stand out in a crowded visual field. A sign that people can’t help but notice is a sign that will help you to attract customers.

How do we make sure to check all of those boxes? Well, it starts with the materials. All Kings of Neon signs are made from LED flex. Glass used to be the only available choice for neon sign manufacturing. Now, LED flex is an option and there are quite a few advantages to choosing this material.

Glass is fragile. It can shatter during any moment of hard contact. It’s also heavy, which can make for a tricky and tiring installation. LED flex, on the other hand, is lighter than glass. That means it’s easy to hang in more places and it’s a good choice for both indoors and outdoors. It’s also a strong material that won’t shatter like glass, making it a safer choice.

Of course, when you see the letters L-E-D, energy efficiency is the first thing that comes to mind. Our LED neon flex signs are powered by LED lighting. They shine for a “light-span” of 50,000 hours. That’s a huge advantage over traditional glass neon lights, which don’t always last longer than 10,000 hours.

You’ll be happy to know that along with its functional advantages, LED flex is actually a cheaper material than glass. So, amazing neon signs are now better and more affordable than ever before.

Neon Open Signs: One Simple Word Says It All

Once it’s time to pick out a sign, which one will you choose? When it comes to word choice, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. An open sign doesn’t need to say much… that one special word—OPEN—will likely suffice. Of course, if you happen to be a 24-hour business, you might like to specify that. See below for a snazzy “OPEN 24 HOURS” design.

find a red neon sign, neon closed sign, and other neon signs for window hanging

Or, if you need to choose your own words or images for your neon open sign, then you can design your own neon sign. Maybe you’d like to tell the world you’re open, but you want to add some details. Your sign can specify your days or hours, or feature a logo. Maybe your version of an open sign doesn’t include the word “open” at all, but rather another fun phrase or image that best represents your brand. Neon signs are a great place to infuse some creativity into your branding, so the details of your sign are a stylistic choice for you and your team.

cost-effective LED signs with wall mounting and remote controls for a store window

If you’re sticking with a simple “OPEN” sign, then your main variables are size and colour. We’ll discuss colour options below. As for size, 50 cm wide by 25 high is a great choice for a typical storefront display. Or, if you have a lot of space on your storefront window, go with a larger model open sign. The goal is to be visible and eye-catching, and every storefront provides its own unique setting for making that happen.

Colour Options for Neon Signs

Regarding colour, red is a classic choice for a neon open sign. It’s probably that colour that you see in your mind’s eye when you imagine a neon sign. Colour psychology tells us that red is special. It’s a colour that triggers a strong emotional response, which makes it perfect for helping people to stop and take notice of your sign and your store.

It’s no coincidence that red is the chosen colour for stop signs and traffic lights. Red grabs our attention. Furthermore, the colour red even helps objects appear to be closer to the viewer than they really are. That tricky bit of colour science can only help when it comes to your red open sign.

Of course, it’s all about options. In a street that’s full of red open signs, maybe you want to use a different colour in order to stand out. Fortunately, LED lights can be made in a variety of colours. For any Kings of Neon sign, we have 15 different colours to choose from. Your colour choice is yet another aspect of your neon sign that can help your business to stand out in the crowd.

bright blue neon sign; LED open signs and other neon signs for store windows

Neon Signs, Open Signs, and Your Business

neon open signs and other eye-catching messages; energy-efficient LED signs

When it comes to neon signs, an open sign is a simple and classic choice. You can’t go wrong by plainly proclaiming that your store is open for business. If you’d like to explore some different sign ideas, be sure to check out our enormous selection of neon signs. To help spark your inspiration, our inventory is categorized by collections. Peruse creative and attractive signs in these groups:

  • Favourites
  • Animals
  • Trend sayings
  • Worldwide
  • Inspiration
  • Music
  • Kids
  • Naughty
  • Home
  • Wedding and Engagement
  • Flora and Fauna

...and many more. And if you’ve got something unique in mind, feel free to design your own sign. Your sign is fully customizable: choose your text, font, size, colour, and more. Kings of Neon signs are eye-catching, durable, and easy to use. Your sign will plug right into a wall socket without the need for a battery pack.

Each sign comes with an attached 1-2-metre long clear cord. An adapter and transformer are also included. For international deliveries, all of the hardware, including the plug, will be suitable for your region. Signs are delivered with pre-drilled holes to help make installation nice and easy.

To learn more about our products and delivery, check out our Frequently Asked Questions Page. And once you're ready to open up your doors, we’ll be ready to help light up your storefront with the perfect neon sign.
