I'm sure you're aware of this: Customer care is the new marketing. And I believe you know this too: It's way cheaper to retain customers than to attract new ones. There are various ways to keep your customers coming back for more. Sometimes, it's delivering above and beyond their expectations. Other times, it's as simple as introducing a new product to them.

Ultimately, customers are the key (perhaps only) reason we're in business. We must therefore motivate them if we’re to retain and grow with them. But how? Most people like to be motivated, and the more we do it, the better they feel. You can use natural, everyday words and insert some personality. Alternatively, you can allow these striking motivational neon signs to do the talking for you.

Motivational Neon Signs to Inspire Your Customers

Motivational quotes can assist you in reaching your full potential every day. They are encouraging words, and sometimes, when you're on the verge of giving up or struggling to push yourself to the next level, that's exactly what you need. With motivational neon signs, you'll offer daily motivation for your customers and employees.

Today Is Going to Be a Great Day LED Neon Sign

Today Is Going to Be a Great Day LED Neon Sign

Each day is a new beginning, so the negatives of yesterday shouldn't affect your today.

Today Is Going to Be a Great Day LED Neon Sign

Consider these neon signs as motivational gurus, inspiring your customers to begin each day as if it were the best day they'll ever have.

Stop Wishing Start Doing Neon Signs

Stop Wishing Start Doing Neon Signs

How many times do we 'wish' for something better, different or new? Wishing isn’t bad, but it’s merely a starting point.

Stop Wishing Start Doing Neon Signs

With these inspirational neon signs, you’ll motivate your customers to turn their next wish into action.

The Best Is Yet to Come LED Neon Sign

The Best Is Yet to Come LED Neon Sign

Your life is a story, and the best thing is that it can end the way you want it to.

The Best Is Yet to Come LED Neon Sign

So, if a customer is having a bad day or facing a challenge that seems overwhelming, remind them 'the best is yet to come' with these lit neon signs.

Be Stronger Than Your Excuses Neon Signs

Be Stronger Than Your Excuses Neon Signs

Excuses can either work with you or against you. So decide to push yourself and follow the path less travelled.

Be Stronger Than Your Excuses Neon Signs

Get these neon signs to remind your clients that they are stronger than their excuses, and they should leave a legacy worth inspiring others.

Be So Good They Can’t Ignore You LED Neon Flex

Be So Good They Can’t Ignore You LED Neon Flex

Whether you're an intern or professional trying to advance in your career, you should strive to master your craft and be so outstanding that they can't ignore you.

Be So Good They Can’t Ignore You LED Neon Flex

Get your hands on this LED neon flex quote to motivate your customers or employees to work hard on their craft each day.

You Did Not Wake Up Today to Be Mediocre LED Neon Sign

You Did Not Wake Up Today to Be Mediocre LED Neon Sign

You should push yourself to overcome all obstacles coming your way every day and psychologically prepare yourself to face the day like a champion.

You Did Not Wake Up Today to Be Mediocre LED Neon Sign

Hang these neon signs somewhere where they’ll be the first thing your customers see when they walk into your business premises. With these excellent neon signs, you can inspire them to believe in themselves.

Finish What You Start LED Neon Sign

Finish What You Start LED Neon Sign

You can hang these neon signs in your business premises or office space to encourage your customers or employees to finish whatever they've started.

Finish What You Start LED Neon Sign

Motivate your clients or staff to finish what they begin and to do it powerfully and confidently.

Keep Positive Thinking Neon Signs

Keep Positive Thinking Neon Signs

We’re constantly faced with negative news and opinions from pessimistic people, making it nearly impossible to have a positive attitude. Instead of getting stuck in the negativity, transform your employees or customers into optimistic people with daily inspiration.

Keep Positive Thinking Neon Signs

Regardless of their problems, encourage them to adopt a positive attitude with these inspirational neon signs.

Be Nice to People Neon Signs

Be Nice to People Neon Signs

You have to be nice to people, not because they are but because you are.

Be Nice to People Neon Signs

Get these new LED neon signs to encourage your customers to be nice to others since it pays off in unexpected ways.

Do It Together Never Alone LED Neon Sign

Do It Together Never Alone LED Neon Sign

There's a famous African proverb that says, "If you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, go together."

Do It Together Never Alone LED Neon Sign

With these neon signs, you’ll encourage your employees or customers to embrace teamwork in their daily lives because they can achieve so much together.

You Won’t Know Unless You Try Neon Signs

You Won’t Know Unless You Try Neon Signs

You won’t know some things unless you try to find out—so you shouldn't be afraid to take the risk. Maybe it won't work out, but seeing if it does might be the best experience ever.

You Won’t Know Unless You Try Neon Signs

You can use these neon signs to motivate your customers to take the risk and try out something new.

Dream Big LED Neon Flex

Dream big pink

Perhaps you’re someone who feels that dreams must be as big as they possibly can be.

Dream big

Then these lit neon signs will help you motivate those around you, including your customers, to dream big, stay focused and surround themselves with good people.

Good Vibes Only Neon Signs

Good Vibes Only Neon Signs

Do you wish to start your day with a little more confidence and positive vibes? Then these neon signs are the ideal approach to fill your business premises with positive energy.

Good vibes

With these bright neon signs, you can inspire yourself, employees and customers to start the day with good vibes only.

Frequently Asked Questions About Neon Signs

How Much Does a Personalized Neon Sign Cost?

Custom neon signs can cost anywhere from $200 to $1,000+ or more.

At Kings of Neon, we've been in the neon sign industry since 2019, specialising in different designs, installation and maintenance of all forms of signs.

We’ve highlighted some colours and fonts you can use for your custom neon signs:

Colours Fonts
Cold white Amanda
Lemon Bauhaus
Purple Dolce vita
Red Moon20
Blue Bite

You can browse our vast collection to get ideas for your custom design, then use the neon sign maker to create your desired sign.

These factors will affect the price of custom neon signs:

  • The size of the neon sign
  • The amount of text in the neon sign
  • The complexity of your neon sign design

Why Are Neon Flex Signs So Expensive?

Most manufacturers provide both ready-made neon signs and the option of ordering a custom sign.

Ready-made signs are mass-produced with a standardised template and production method, which reduces their cost.

Custom signs, on the other hand, are one-of-a-kind and designed specifically for you. They need specific templates and singular production without economies of scale. As a result, they cost more.

How Do You Draw Neon?

Check out this video to learn how to draw neon.

How Do I Clean Neon Signs?

Neon signs collect dust, grease, bugs and spider webs over time with extended use. Regular cleaning is required to keep your neon lights looking bright, colourful and attractive.

So use a feather duster to clean dust. Then, using a nylon brush with long soft bristles, gently brush away any remaining dust.

While cleaning, never soak the LED neon signs in water because you’ll damage them.
